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Project Scope

I would prefer to reduce the scope of my projects more towards the conclusion of development. This would be taking on a spiral model of development, or the rule of loop, unlike the waterfall model, which I would say is the early method of development. The spiral model falls in line with how software development needs to function but since you’re starting in the center and moving quadrant by quadrant, the spiral you create in development will never have an ending. That’s the biggest advantage of an early stage development cycle but it goes against the basic rules of programming.

Regardless of the method decided, the most important thing would be to use the lens of love. The development cycle can influence the love the team has for the game. The love or passion for the video game being developed is so crucial otherwise it can make for a sad game. The whole team has to be motivated, comfortable, and in an environment that will support the creative atmosphere required to bring the passion. This crucial lens does not work with a waterfall development cycle like it would with the spiral model. This is because the waterfall is more linear and advantageous to the upper management, not the team.

With the rule of loop, the more times you test and improve your design, the better your game will be. I can definitely see how that’s the most feasible method and probably the most common one used in todays industry. The steps include coming up with a basic design, figuring out risks, making prototypes, testing the prototype by any means necessary, and then go back to the drawing board based on the findings in the prototype. If you never have a testing period before you go to program, you could be wasting money. Once you reach that magic point of two levels completed, you’ve typically already blown about 30% of your budget so the planning part is so important.

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